Study and Internship abroad
Students in the SD Master's programme regularly spend time abroad as part of their Master's studies, whether as part of an internship, a study visit or an Erasmus semester. Here are a few examples of what Master's students have experienced.
Master 1 MINMACS, 2023/2024
Noé GILLE, a student of the MINMACS track did his second semester internship at the Montefiore institue of Liège, Belgium, under the supervision of Prof. Pierre GEURTS.

Master 1 SD, 2022/2023
Lina MEGHOUCHE, student in the Data Science track spend her second semester in the Computer Science department at the Freie Universität of Berlin, Germany, as part of the Erasmus programme.

Master 2 SD, 2022/2023
Théo SOURGET did his Data Science track end-of-study internship at the IT-Universitët of Copenhaguen, Denmark, in 2023, thanks to a Danish Data Science Academy scolarship, on a research topic about "Usage of datasets in research papers in medical image segmentation".

Marwan TAIA et Nadir BENDHOUKA
Master 1 MINMACS, 2022/2023
Marwan TAIA and Nadir BENDHOUKA, two students in the MINMACS track and both owner of a MINMACS scholarship, did their second semester internship, from april to july 2023, in the Molecular Imaging, Radiotherapy & Oncology (MIRO) lab. at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, in the research team led by Prof. John A. Lee, on topics related to AI for medical images analysis.

Thomas Dargent
Master 1 SD, 2019/2020
Thomas DARGENT did his second semester internship of the Data Science track at the École de Technologie Supérieur (ETS) in Montréal, Canada thanks to a MITACS scholarship.
Lucas ANQUETIL et Pierre LOPEZ
Master 1 SD, 2019/2020
Lucas ANQUETIL and Pierre LOPEZ, student in the Data Science track, both went to Bangalore for few weeks to study at the New Horizon College of Engineering in India.

Master 2 SD, 2018/2019
Avelina FERNANDES, a studint in the Data Science track, did her end-of-study internship at the Orand company in Santiago, Chile.

Master 1 SD, 2017/2018
Yamin BEN HAMADI, a student in the Data Science track did his second semester internship at the Universiti Teknologi Petronas in Malaisia.